How much does a starcraft cd key cost
How much does a starcraft cd key cost

I think if they play it, they'll understand. We've all been screwed by corporate America so many times, so I understand why they're skeptical. I don't think they'll believe it until they do. _Browder: _I think they just need to play it. So besides the typical spiel about great content, as a gamer yourself, what do you think needs to be said and done to convince gamers they're getting their money's worth? Take Valve and Left 4 Dead 2, for instance. Players, especially, hardcore gamers, seem to think they're getting scammed, even by companies they trust. : Even a year out since you announced that *Starcraft II *will be a trilogy, I feel like players are still skeptical about it.

how much does a starcraft cd key cost

There's a whole bunch of questions unanswered in this space, like how do we protect these mapmakers so their stuff doesn’t get stolen? In terms of any sort of malicious things, we don't know. : Is there going to be any monitoring on Blizzard's part with the upload process to the server, or do the players just put it up and you guys check the maps afterward?īrowder: We have a biohazard concept where players can report anything that's objectionable to us, then we get reports and our GM staff will check it out and remove it if necessary. Maps you won't be able to just pull off of for free, and where you'll actually pay a developer. At some point down the road, they'll be premium maps. When you publish a map it goes to, and anyone can get it, they can play it with their friends, they can play it online, whatever they want to do. We're going to host all the maps on now. So you’re like, "Oh where do I get this map? I guess I have to find the website." And it's kind of a pain. Like in Warcraft III, if you try to join a game and you don't have the map, you get booted because you're a noob and they don't want to give you the map. Like is there a limit how much they can charge? Can they charge $10,000 to see if there are any buyers? They'll be some structure there for it, but they will decide and the community will decide what's worth it, what's reasonable and what's not reasonable.įor Starcraft II at launch, it's just going to be like Warcraft III, but you won't get it peer-to-peer. I don't know what the exact rules will be. What will happen is, the player who has made the map will publish the map to the service, so they can get a hold of it, and he'll have to decide what he wants to charge if he wants to charge. : How do you moderate what maps get uploaded for sale?

how much does a starcraft cd key cost

We’re already amazed by what they're capable of, so if they had some resources, what can they do? What more will they do with some more resources? And we're hoping we can find out. They could hire an artist, they can get bigger - we don't know how big or crazy this can get, but the hope is that these guys can, by getting some resources, do even better stuff. Just really do it more seriously or maybe get a small team of guys, and they can all work on the game. So what we'd like to do is have an opportunity for these guys to maybe have a chance to quit their day job and work on the game for real. These fans are making games that are changing gaming, and they're doing it from their garage with a day job. Zombies, which owes a lot of its core designs to tower defense - which came from our fans originally in Starcraft, but then lots from (Blizzard real-time strategy title) Warcraft III. You've got companies making games like Plants vs. We're talking about maps that have changed the face of gaming in fundamental ways. We're just announcing, "This was the plan and this is what you can do down the road." What we really want to do is - we have all these mapmakers who have made amazing maps. _Browder: _We don't know for sure yet, and we're still working on it. How much is Blizzard's cut? How will this work?

how much does a starcraft cd key cost

: It was also mentioned that players have the option to charge for their created maps. Hopefully it'll stop people from being jerks. I mean, yeah you can do it, but wow that’s going to cost you.

how much does a starcraft cd key cost

That's going to get boring really quick, going out and buying new CD Keys every time you want to be a jerk on. So anytime you want to get a new account for, you're going to have to get a new CD Key. : With the new, how will it prevent people from trying to cheat and sign up for multiple accounts?ĭustin Browder: You actually have to buy a copy of the game to play on that account.

How much does a starcraft cd key cost